Parent 2 Parent Mentors

Parent 2 Parent mentors guide and support new parents as they journey through life having a child with Down syndrome.

mom and daughter smiling with arms around each other

Parent 2 Parent mentors guide and support new parents as they journey through life having a child with Down syndrome.

Next Training:
Saturday, August 10
10 - 11 a.m.
DSASTX Office, 1127 Patricia

Upcoming Trainings:
November 2

We need couples and single parents (dads are requested, too!) The requirements are:

  • parent to a child 3 years or older
  • pass a background check
  • be knowledgeable in DSASTX programs
  • 1-year commitment

The Education Director will be doing the presentation, sharing resources, reviewing the DSASTX programs, and providing you with all the tools you need to be a parent mentor.

Entrenamiento de Mentores es para cualquier persona a la que le encantaría ser una guía para un nuevo padre.

Próxima formación:
sabado, 10 de agosto
10 - 11 a.m.
En la oficina de DSASTX, 1127 Patricia

Próximas formaciónes:
2 de noviembre

Los requiesitos son:

  • tener un hijo/a de 3 años o mas
  • pasar una verificacion de antecedentes
  • conocer los programas proveidos en DSASTX
  • comprometerse por un año para este programa

La Directora de Educacion los entrenara con recursos y herramientas, repasaran los servicios que ofrecemos para que te sientas seguro/a en tu nuevo rol como mentor/a.

The generosity of donors allows the Down Syndrome Association of South Texas to provide this service for free.