Better Together: The 321 Blog logo
adult man with Down syndrome smiling at the camera


By Danielle Edwards / November 22, 2022

A 2011 study in the American Journal of Medical Genetics found that self-reported happiness among those with Down syndrome was at a staggering 99 percent. The same survey found 79% of parents felt their outlook on life was more positive because of their son/daughter with Down syndrome. In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with…

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Blue and yellow Down syndrome awareness ribbon and butterfly

Our Favorite Month of the Year

By Faith Levario / October 25, 2022

It is finally our favorite time of year! October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, a time when we give recognition, raise awareness, and celebrate all the individuals who have the extra chromosome and the extra brightness! What is Down syndrome? Down syndrome is a genetic condition where a person is born with an extra copy or part of a copy of chromosome 21. According to the National Down Syndrome Society, about 1 in 700 babies…

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Is Advocacy Really a Four-Letter Word?

By Mary Eitniear / September 28, 2022

The topic for our blog this month is advocacy in ARD committee meetings. So, let’s start with the concept of Advocacy. Advocacy used in the world of special education usually means that parents and school staff disagree over some aspect of their child’s program. However, advocacy also means sharing our perceptions, dreams, hopes, and ideas for our children with others. I think the lesson here is that everyone, including school staff, comes to the ARD table…

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people attending a meeting


By Magaly Diaz / August 28, 2022

In 2021, Mayor Ron Nirenberg introduced San Antonio as “Inclusion City, USA” after major changes were launched at the San Antonio International Airport. Now here’s another reason why our city continues to live up to and exceed its nickname: The MAC. The Multi-Assistance Center at Morgan’s Wonderland, located on the corner of Wurzbach Parkway and Thousand Oaks adjacent to the Heroes Stadium, is another project from Gordon Hartman coming in the fall of 2022. This…

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young girl with down syndrome

Summer Fun!

By Claudia Vargas / July 31, 2022

Summer fun in the sun! As a working mom of five children, ages 4 through 14, it takes skillful planning to fill the summer months with “fun!” To do this, I either enroll them in enrichment academies or summer camps, have play dates at the pool, attend local events, take them on vacation, and the list goes on. Well, it is mid-summer, and the novelty of summer has started to wear off. Inevitably, I have…

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Family Community Resources Committee


By Faith Levario / July 1, 2022

Welcome to Better Together: The 321 Blog! If you’re new here, we’d love for you to sign up for our post notifications so we can stay connected. You can do this by clicking “Allow” on the popup notification at the top of your browser window. Thanks for visiting! I want to start by introducing the team that will be writing for this blog. Our Family Community Resources Committee (FCRC) is composed of: Judith Moening –…

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